As The World Burns…

It’s worse than I thought. Apparently those that have been in charge are burning up the phone lines wondering who they can run as president. Biden … Read More

Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson Seventeen: The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments, as revealed by God, codified by Moses, and ratified and magnified by Christ, are the perfect expression of God’s law. They are the … Read More

Bible Study: Delight in the Sabbath Day

God Designed the Sabbath to be a Delight for Mankind God’s Word says that the Sabbath is to be called a delight. Clearly, God wants mankind … Read More

Biden EPA Rules Will Cause Blackouts for Millions of Americans, Study Warns

President Joe Biden’s aggressive climate regulations targeting fossil-fuel-fired power plants will create widespread electric grid instability and lead to mass blackouts impacting millions of Americans, according … Read More

In Case You Missed It

Climate Scam Who knew such a thing was possible? A Reuters Investigation has revealed that many of the most developed nations are profiting off of loans … Read More

Must You be a “Member” of a Church to be Saved?

Millions of Americans feel they get all the “church going” they need from watching television on Sundays. Local churches and pastors complain, say the “electronic church” … Read More

Normalcy Bias…

Greetings to my fellow explorers into all things associated with the “Human Condition” in this time and space. Our subject for today is the psychological trait … Read More

The Inevitable Pushback

Human migration and the regulation of borders have become major issues in recent years. The 2015 migrant crisis in Europe, with the arrival of over 1 … Read More

Why the Elitist Promotion of Open Borders, Migration and Refugees?

Disguised as wishing to promote faster economic growth and the need for greater population growth, the elites have been encouraging massive immigration into the First World … Read More

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