A Monster Rears Up!

This article was originally published in The Plain Truth magazine in May of 1962. In many ways it was ahead of its time. European unity has … Read More

A Time Like No Other

We WATCH world events, as Christ commanded in Matthew 24:42. But what exactly are we watching for? The machinations of politics cause power to ebb and … Read More

Bible Correspondence Course Lesson Sixteen – Law of God, Part Five

Law and Grace Summary: The preceding lessons should be sufficient to illustrate how the Church applies the Old Testament laws. It considers the Hebrew Bible very … Read More

Bible Study: The Three Resurrections

The First Resurrection is for those being saved by the new covenant started after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Believers in our day are scheduled for this … Read More

Finding the Red Heifer

Jesus Christ said the following in Matthew 24:15-16, “Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in … Read More

The Coming Emperor of Europe

In the previous edition of 21st Century Watch, the article “What Will the Beast Be Like?” explained some of the attributes of the end-time Beast power. … Read More

The Point of No Return?

I have to mention the total eclipse. When the moon passed directly in front of the sun, you could look up without any glasses. It appeared … Read More

There Goes Latin America: Iran’s Regime in America’s Backyard

A threatening development has been brewing largely under the radar of the Biden administration and the mainstream media’s attention: Iran’s calculated expansion into Latin America, from … Read More

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