Home » Vol. 27: 2nd Quarter 2024 » The Point of No Return?

The Point of No Return?

I have to mention the total eclipse. When the moon passed directly in front of the sun, you could look up without any glasses. It appeared as if the sun’s activity, shooting flames into space, went outside the moon’s blockage, and it was a sight to behold. Having never traveled to witness the phenomenon, this time the whole thing was visible in all its glory right here. It’s a reminder of how very small we are in the grand scheme of things. 

We don’t know how good we’ve got it. For now. We better fall to our knees and thank the ONE who made it possible. It seems like everything that can be done to weaken the USA is being done. And it’s being done by the leadership, no matter how phony. We are a peaceful people who only want peace and quiet. 

The mainstream media mocks and ridicules the rival. Trump is filling arenas to the rafters while the president is meeting with a few trannies that think they’re real women. He demands that we treat them like real women, or we must be bigots. 

Meanwhile, immigrants are being secretly flown in all over the country, never mind the excesses at the border, as if it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s just another of the “programs” being carried out under this suspect administration.

To hear Trump tell it, there is a future ahead. He talks of putting an end to the wars that have raged since the last election and of sending the intruders home. You’ve seen the murders by illegals. The demented one screams that we have domestic murders as well, which no one denies. But those that suffered at the hands of illegals are the result of his programs, or maybe it was Obama’s idea. Have you noticed? All Biden’s top advisors are Obama’s people. 

We can scarcely believe our eyes as we see what’s happening along the southern border, but that may be child’s play. Illegals are being flown in the dead of night all over the nation. Why are they being brought when nobody’s looking? They’ve got to protect the aliens. From us. Who’s going to protect us from the illegals? 

So much is being done that is wrong for our country, it’s getting hard to keep up. This tiff with Putin over Ukraine is getting out of hand. Macron, President of France, is piping up saying that putting NATO troops in harm’s way is a real possibility. These morons are trying to start WWIII while they have time. Ukraine has been one of the most corrupt nations on earth, as everybody knows by now. From the news reports, everything has been turned into rubble, except Kiev. They’re trying not to hit historic structures, on account of it might not go over well. Putin means business, and that’s beyond doubt. 

The Arabs have gone full tilt over the Israeli bombing of targets in Syria. Some important people were blown up. People are out all over the Middle East, mouths wide open and fists in the air. They’re burning American flags, as if we’re responsible for everything bad in their lives. Maybe they should tune in to some of the networks. Biden has no say over what Israeli generals decide, despite Anthony Blinken’s attitude at the microphones. 

Meanwhile, Netanyahu is under attack from within his administration. Remind you of anything? They claim all manner of nefarious deeds and they’re going to take him to court! It’s enough to make you cry. Israel’s in a fight for their survival, but the politics go on and on. They’ve done this before. For years there were dastardly claims against Netanyahu, now they’ve got more.

There’s once again talk of red heifers, and a window of opportunity. They thought they had the red heifer of prophecy back in the nineties but it was disqualified. Let’s hope the same thing happens again. This is an organization that believs a place within sight of the temple mount will fulfill the requirements. They’re not looking for the return of Christ, but of a savior that has yet to appear. 

The pictures out of Haiti are sickening. When the top gang leader is nick-named “Barbeque,” and criminals carrying automatic rifles are patrolling the filthy streets… It looks like the end time. We can’t help but wonder if this is the future the pretender and his mentor have in mind for us.

Policies toward the nations of the Middle East are longstanding. These disruptions have been war-gamed extensively. Things have been decided long ago about what happens if somebody acts up. Nobody thought far enough ahead to realize that standard American policy would land a politician at odds with his base. But it’s all coming apart now. Protesters are brawling with police, at least the professionals are. They’re blocking major bridges with their bodies and the police are spectators. Except in Florida. 

Almost everything that could go wrong did. These idiots are expert at wrecking everything. They apparently don’t like our freedoms and want government to apply a heavier hand.  Not on “immigrants” mind you. They don’t have to follow the mandates of a power drunk government. 

Do we have some idea how blessed we are? Most reading this are reasonably comfortable, and we’re happiest when we can concentrate on better things and not be exposed to all the folly in the world. Who would want to ruin peace and quiet? But we have interruptions. The main players and the media are stuck on the new woke self-righteousness that says everything must be “fair and equitable.” Maybe God doesn’t see it that way. He’s blessed us beyond comprehension and our government looks determined to “make things right.” Some Biblical quotes come to mind. 

Maybe we should stop acting like governments know best. The founders plumbed the depths and gave us a Constitution that is in line with God’s laws. Our Judicial system is intended to hold that line. But now we have activist judges that rule based on some morality that they have adopted. This nation has defied God in more ways than we care to consider. We can’t even look.