Home » Vol. 25: 2nd Quarter 2022 » All By Design

All By Design


Everybody’s talking about the mass shooting in Uvalde, TX. We thought we had enough bad news to dwell on, but this is terrible. We think about our own kids and grandkids, and the evil person who carried out this crime against young children and two teachers. Who are we going to lash out at? The perpetrator is dead, but so are nineteen perfectly innocent children and two teachers. Our hearts break for the families. We don’t know all the details yet. It seems like a scandal may be in the developmental stages as the local and national agents try to piece together a timeline amid conflicting information.

Apparently the eighteen year old perpetrator had all kinds of problems. Not having a mom and dad is a pretty big deal. He had them, but was not living with them. You don’t suppose the lack of a loving relationship with his parents helped screw him up?

Then you’ve got the predictable reaction of the Pretender-in-Chief, rasping about being sick and tired. Really? A tragedy of this magnitude is just the latest political football? You mean the mass shooting was the fault of the NRA and millions of law abiding gun owners? The anti-gun nuts are going crazy. How many bodies will it take? Of course they want to crack down on us. That will make everybody in the gun-control camp feel better.

Somebody showed up at the Texas governor’s press conference and was raging like a lunatic at the assembled dignitaries. They got him away from the stage and he turned around to shout some more. Turns out it was Beto O’Rourke. He and his supporters must be very proud. But they’ve all gone bonkers. If there’s a shooting, the pretender and the individuals in his party rush before the cameras to demand that new laws be placed on the books. When told that their plans violate the Constitution, they talk about “control,” not confiscation. The tragedies are painful to contemplate. But that doesn’t mean we have to listen to lunatics who’ve been singing this tune forever.

There are so many mass shootings it’s getting hard to keep up. Buffalo, Tulsa, Uvalde, and that’s just lately. The response is, “We’ve got to get rid of all these guns!” You think criminals and gang members are about to relinquish their guns? Not a chance. Does somebody think these guns are out there shooting themselves? There are an estimated 400 million guns in the United States. That’s one hundred million more guns than people. Politicians take to the microphone and say the grieving families don’t need thoughts and prayers, it’s time for action. That means “get rid of guns.” Talk about unleashing a whirlwind. Maybe that fruitcake in Canada can get it done, but this ain’t Canada.

No law would have prevented this. Several laws were broken, including the one against murder. Biden is sick and tired? We’re a little sick and tired of every one of these situations being turned into a push for gun control. Why don’t they demand we get rid of cars every time there’s a crash? Because cars aren’t the problem. Drivers who are drunk or breaking traffic laws are. Criminals break laws, that’s what they do. Another one won’t stop criminals from breaking laws.

They’ve been holding the World Economic Forum meetings this week. They think they can use technological advances to track us all and assign us a “carbon footprint?” They’re not there yet. The plan is to take some convenience that people can’t live without and use it to track everybody’s lives. Oh, that’ll be great! It’s enough to make you want to be a hermit. But they’ve got all the answers and think they can impose them on the rest of us for the sake of our own safety and happiness. They want to take care of us so they can “save the planet” and promote diversity and inclusion.

What has happened with Elon Musk’s purchase of the twit factory? It turns out that some of their filings with the SEC may be less than true. If they’ve valued the company based on the number of users, and a large percentage of the “users” turn out to be bots, oh baby. It would mean that investors have been defrauded. It may mean that the value of the company that Mr. Musk was buying is also fraudulent. Twitter may have not been designed to make money after all. If you’ve seen the undercover videos of their officers and employees, it starts to seem that way. Apparently the employees are deeply troubled that free speech might be allowed, and the bots eliminated. Uh oh. You don’t suppose that might put a strain on the whole house of cards?

How are the investors going to feel when they find out that the price they paid for company stock was inaccurate? Some now some think that Elon’s offer may have been designed to flush out the truth. He was one of their collection of compliant billionaires, a darling of the far left. He’s built a respected brand of electric car, after all. He’s sending rockets into space at a pace we don’t even watch anymore, and returning the rockets to their launch pad, undamaged, ready for the next payload. He so fervently believes the planet is eventually doomed, he wants to colonize Mars. But he seems to have figured out how vacuous the “rules” of social networks are, and now they hate him. You see him called “special” now, because he’s questioning the methods and the doctrines of the mainstream. How dare he? Who does he think he is?

That he believes in free speech is the most outrageous thing to the executives and employees. Turns out that Twitter doesn’t operate like a company that makes money. We’re not going to revisit the Project Veritas statements about the philosophy of twitter and the people who work there, but it is revealing to say the least. If it turns out that a lot of the users don’t actually exist, there might be some disputes. What about investors who got involved under false pretenses? Lawsuits will fly. The premise that companies ought to make a fair profit? That’s against everything they stand for. But as always, we’ll have to wait.

Now there’s Monkey-pox. It’s like the ‘80s all over again. Like we’re going to get AIDS by shaking hands. Was there some doubt that another health emergency would come around? Over the past two years has been the discovery of fear and authority. It’s a powerful combination, and now it has a track record. This country suffered incalculable losses under a blizzard of mandates and orders. Most media outlets told us that people were meekly obeying orders, and losing sleep over what would happen if they, or somebody close, got it. Suddenly every lunatic had “covid authority.” None more than the lineup on cable TV. Since when have they been right about something?
The networks speak almost as one, and have had to eat crow over the wasted years of acting like they believed something so preposterous as Trump was secretly one of Vladimir Putin’s underlings, plotting some diabolical plan. But they’ve never admitted how foolish they were. Nope. No crow for them. They’re on to the next deceit like nothing ever happened. We were shaking our heads and laughing out loud. But the gay prime time had very concerned looks on their faces. They knew something didn’t smell right!

They fell all over themselves trying to convey just how bad Trump really was. Even they were taken aback. CNN has yet to apologize for their erroneous reporting. For their sober analysis of utter nonsense. No, they’re off to the races with unrelated stories, the only ones who haven’t realized their own credibility is gone. Everybody paying attention knew this was a put up job. But the media bore down, as did the Muller investigation. Then the fraudulent impeachment. It was LIVE everywhere, and was it ever serious! How many millions of dollars later did the investigations yield nothing? That’s politics! No, it’s more than that. It’s the attempted deception of us all. Then they tell you it worked! Oh yeah, most people believed the drivel. Not likely.

Nothing is true until the mainstream says so. The mainstream will deny what’s plain for anybody to see, unless proven otherwise in a court of law, and even that’s been corrupted. Is there some chance anybody will have to admit anything that was so obvious to begin with? Admissions are finally, four years after the fact, being made under oath. What we all suspected turns out to be true. Whether the judicial system in some very jaundiced district will be impartial is questionable. The experts are saying don’t get your hopes up. But the pretender and HRC aren’t exactly best buddies. It is suspected that the pretend administration will turn its back and feed the poor darling to the wolves, if for no other reason than to distract from all the other bad news. Imagine if the networks weren’t on the Pretender’s side!

All the pricey lawyers, serious seasoned investigators with great track records, they never stumbled upon what’s finally been revealed? Fat chance. They knew, and figured it would deal their brethren (the Clintons) a hefty loss. Therefore, we’re still waiting for the truth to come out via the New York Times so the mainstream deceivers can choke on it. The only time it’s enjoyable to check in on a mainstream network is when they’re trying to explain away some huge embarrassment. When they have no choice but to report something that destroys their fake, make-believe world.

It looks like all the shortages are engineered. Have you seen the list of recalls? Everything in your cupboard may be suspect. People are panic buying because of the impending “food shortage.” Does anybody think it may be by design? Gas prices are in uncharted territory, and we wake up to more bad news every morning. Did they not tell us that there would be policies intended to make oil scarce and unaffordable? Yes, they did. Did they tell us about lending institutions and how their ESG scores would plummet if they financed anything to do with oil exploration? Must have missed it.

Now our supposed leaders tell us that we’re undergoing a great transition, from fossil fuel to “clean energy.” The thing is, there’s not enough windmills and solar panels on earth to power a modern way of life. Does anybody get the impression that they want the U. S. to be just another 3rd world mudhole? Good luck if you can even watch the scenes playing out at the border. When in modern history has a nation thrown open its borders to anybody who can walk or swim across? Find another nation on earth that allows a continuing flood of poor, finances their stay through failing religious organizations, and scolds whoever has a contrary word. They ordain queers and lesbians because they’re much better than you, you racist homophobe.

It seems that these buffoons are a little carried away with their authority. How many more “emergency orders” will we have to endure on account of the government keeping everybody safe? Maybe we don’t want the government keeping us safe, locking us down and making the people who keep the country moving stay home. But the bozos aren’t about to give up the authority to be obeyed. They instill fear, and then deputize the percentage of the population that believe the nonsense. How many of those deaths were actually Covid? How many died of something else due to medical accidents? We’ll never know.

Inflation? It’s setting records and out of control. You don’t need me to tell you that everything delivered to every retail outlet has cost double to get it there. We probably haven’t yet felt the brunt of it. It’s no accident. It’s part of the plan. They’re saving the planet after all.

We’ve been waiting a long, long time for some sign of justice in our nation. But it appears that the agencies that are responsible have been corrupted. Maybe someday, maybe not.