Articles in This Issue:

Ancient Hatreds Still Seething Today

The hatred that seethes in the hearts of Islamic Arabs against Israel and the United States is neither political nor new. It is an ancient hatred … Read More

Bible Correspondence Course Lesson Eighteen: Biblical covenants

Both testaments record that God made certain promises to man in the form of specific contracts or agreements with man. These are called “covenants” and define … Read More

Bible Study: Does it Matter If Christ Was Born on December 25th?

Was Christ Really Born on December 25th? If society is no longer interested in Christ, then most would not care. Many would say that Christmas on … Read More

End of Days

With all the troubling news we see every day, it can be hard to place the evils within modern society alongside just where we are in … Read More

In Case You Missed It

Cocaine Sharks   As if sharks weren’t scary enough… A study conducted off the coast of Brazil found cocaine in the liver and muscle tissue samples … Read More

The Power of One

Problems. How much of our time and energy is spent dealing with problems? How much grief and sorrow must we endure? An impartial observer might be … Read More

What Are The Odds?

Have you ever asked yourself what the odds of you being you, are? The answer will bring you down some very geeky roads with large numbers, … Read More

Will They Kill Him?

Another would-be assassin tried his luck, and it didn’t turn out so well. What was the guy thinking? That he’d be an international hero? He’ll have … Read More

Your Thoughts and Actions Can Impact Future Generations

Christians have heard of or read the Scriptures dealing with curses upon third and fourth generations: “…Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and … Read More

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